
Eureka! recognises that we are in the midst of a huge environmental crisis which encompasses a whole range of issues including biodiversity loss, ecosystem destruction, and climate change.  We recognise this is the most critical issue of our time and one which requires urgent attention by societies around the world.

Our vision is to help children learn about the world around them, and to gain the confidence, knowledge and skills to lead fulfilling lives and to make a difference as individuals and collectively.  We take this responsibility very seriously and believe it’s time to articulate and implement a clear focus on addressing the sustainability of the planet as a major theme of our remit and organisational practice.

Our primary audience consists of children up to 14 years of age across our two sites in Halifax, West Yorkshire and Seacombe, Liverpool City Region, reaching an audience between 400 and 500K each year.  These children and young people, and future generations, are those who will be most affected by the current environmental crisis if it is not addressed and curtailed. They also comprise the next generation of scientists, climatologists, engineers, and technological experts who will solve the problems of sustainability and secure a future for our planet and its inhabitants.  They represent our best hope for the future and there is evidence that today’s generation of young people are more interested and concerned about these issues than older generations.  Yet there is a huge gap between concern, engagement and action.

As a children’s museum and science and discovery centre we are in a unique position to build on the current interest and use our strengths and track record working with children and young people to inform, engage, influence and impact the future of the planet and all of the species which inhabit it.

We also understand that we need to adapt some of our infrastructure and operational practices to be a more sustainable organisation.  We have made many changes already and we are committed to making further and more fundamental changes over the course of time.

We want ECM and ESD to be places where children, young people and their families can explore and understand the issues, and challenges, that lie ahead.

Children will need to use all their playful powers of ingenuity and creativity to create this sustainable society.

Action Plans

Eureka! are working on a three-year plan, setting the foundation for our long term net zero target. Our actions will focus on areas that we can influence and where we can have the most significant positive impact.

We are taking an holistic, systems-thinking approach to sustainability, shifting focus from individual parts to understanding influences within the whole organisation and beyond. To help us think more deeply about our activities and how we deliver them, the following priorities provide a framework for our sustainability action:

    • Sites
    • Stakeholders
    • Stories

Actions for the sites
We will reduce the negative environmental impact of how we deliver our activities and operate our buildings, targeting net zero by 2035.

Energy and Carbon
Work towards net zero for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in line with the science and goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Work to close material loops, focusing on longevity of materials, leasing and use of service packages, reuse and recovery to design out waste and maximise resource value.

Procure goods and services responsibly to maximise social, environmental and financial value.

Climate Resilience
Adapt our buildings so they are ft for future climate changes.

Air and Water
Prevent pollution, minimise potable water use and improve internal and external air quality.

Deliver net biodiversity gains, valuing nature and supporting conservation.

Actions for the stakeholders
We will support our staff, visitors, partners and the visitor attraction sector through embedding sustainable practices, and the sharing of knowledge we have acquired on the journey.

Governance and Leadership
Provide clear leadership and coordination to integrate principles and practices of sustainability in the organisation.

Harness the enthusiasm, creativity and expertise of our staff to embed sustainable practices across the organisation.

Collaborate across departments and sites, building productive relationships with each other, our partners, funders and audiences.

Share our knowledge, skills and experience with the visitor attraction sector and beyond, locally, nationally and globally.

Actions on Stories
We will tell our visitors about the issues we face in the future to ensure a healthy planet, what we’re doing to support this and what we can all do to support a bold vision of a sustainable future.

The stories will tell visitors to Eureka! attractions what we have done, what we are doing and what we plan to do in the future to reduce our carbon footprint on our journey to Net Zero.

Deliver learning activities that critically address and build understanding around local and global issues of climate change.

Galleries and Exhibitions
Highlight sustainability in the content and delivery of galleries and temporary exhibitions.